How We Got Here
Why we’ve chosen to take the road less traveled and unschool our children.
I was your typical follow the rules type of person my entire life. Up until I met my husband and he opened my mind up to living with intention and not by other peoples standards. We naturally brought this approach into parenting and found ourselves embarking on the idea of homeschooling our children.
Through years of reading about the RIE approach to respecting children and later to gentle parenting and the Montessori method, I found myself drawn to unschooling. Once I jumped into unschooling I found that it was much harder for me than I thought it would be. I am still learning and growing everyday. The information out there that says it will grow you as much as your child is very true. I feel lost only when I am not in tune with my family and connecting with my internal needs too. Forcing me to show up and always resulting in an outcome that brings us all to a better place.
We have three children, 8, 5 and 2. They are happy, healthy, confident, observant, curious, thoughtful, social and full of life. They all have big personalities and I feel grateful I get to have a front row seat to their development and growth daily. I look forward to sharing more about our days, my thoughts and learnings, and our hopes for the future.