Parenting to Enlightenment

Becoming an Enlightened Parent

I recently read a quote by Dr. Joe Dispenza saying, “Parenting is a fast track to enlightenment”. Meaning we awaken to full consciousness, we have clarity, and the concerns of the ego no longer exist. In essence we reach peace. It is no accident that when we put in the work to be present with our children, naturally we become closer to God/source/universe. Whatever resonates with you.

One of the hardest and most rewarding experiences of my life has been becoming a wife and parent. The role being hard has a lot to do with the beliefs I personally was raised with. Get good grades, get a good job, don’t depend on anybody else. I know I’m not alone here and these are not necessarily bad ideals to imbue in a person, but I personally was very unprepared to take on the role of stay at home parent and the spiritual shift that would naturally follow.

As I have evolved as an unschooling parent to 3 incredible beings I have also learned a lot about the challenges I face when it comes to societal norms versus what my spirit is telling me.

Maybe you’ve had to unpack some beliefs that are dictating your life and getting in the way of reaching the peace and clarity that could make a big difference in your homeschool life.

Some Beliefs I’ve Wrestled with:

You need to be in control.

Control the kids, the mess, the food everyone eats, yourself, etc. I struggle with this one big time. I have a very deep fear of being out of control which I find inhibits my ability to relax, enjoy the moment and have fun.

The truth: everything is unfolding as it should and when you let go and allow, life will unfold beautifully.

You need to work harder.

Any stay at home parent will tell you that we are always “working”. It just feels like nothing is really being accomplished a lot of the time because the messes get made again, meals need to be made and cleaned up again, toys need fixing, laundry needs to be done, grocery lists need to be made, add on homeschool and finding ways to keep the kids engaged and the work can seem very overwhelming at times.

The truth: we do work hard and it’s okay to take breaks, let the mess go and lean into peaceful moments too. – I find when I do allow myself to take the break I end up having more authentic energy for all of the extra stuff that needs to be done.

You aren’t earning money so therefore you are not contributing to the household.

Yes earning money while also being the homeschooling parent is definitely a positive thing and many families need to do that, so they find ways. My issue was I really believed that if I was not earning money I wasn’t contributing.

The Truth: The ability to focus on being there emotionally for my husband and children really is my contribution. They ask a lot of us as the nurturing parent and if we aren’t there during times of need it can really be a detriment to the family.

Parenting is a fast track to becoming our best selves. If we allow ourselves to evolve through the experiences to grow that are being offered to us daily. The chance to use connection when we have a hard moment with our child, the chance to be vulnerable with our spouse to allow our relationship to grow, the chance to see wonder in our children’s eyes when they have a new experience, the chance to make a better choice that is going to serve us rather than deter us from our goals. If we don’t co-create with life the result will be superficial and meaningless.

So maybe you’re also just a homeschooling parent like me. We have a big role in shaping the future and ourselves. If we all aim for growth and enlightenment I’m pretty sure the outcome would produce a generation of compassionate, caring, generous, thoughtful, mindful citizens who could really spread some love in this world.

But I Can't Teach My Kids!

December 6, 2024